Available, delivery time: 3-5 days
Product details for Bomix plus
Bomix plus is an aldehyde-free instrument disinfectant with high cleaning power.
Bomix plus by Bode is an aldehyde-free manual disinfectant to reprocess and clean medical instruments, endoscopes and material combinations of latex and silicone. The disinfectant has high cleaning power and is gentle on the material. It has a broad range of effects. Bomix plus is suitable to be used in soaking baths and is very economic due to its high concentration.
- high cleaning power
- aldehyde-free
- gentle on the material
- bactericidal
- levurocidal
- limited virucidal (including HBV, HIV, HCV)
Fields of application:
- endoscopy
- central sterilisation
- surgical areas
- ambulances
- diagnostics and therapy
- laboratories and blood banks
- medical practices
Bomix plus is available in different sizes.
Bode Chemie GmbH from Hamburg manufactures highly effective disinfectants and other hygiene products. Well-known brands, which you can also find here in our shop, are for example Bacillol, Baktolan or Sterillium. Bode disinfectants and skin care products are available in various versions and sizes. We also have dispenser systems such as the Bode Euro dispenser for disinfectants, cleaning solutions or soaps, including suitable accessories. Bode Tissues, which are available in refillable dispenser boxes, must also be stored safely.
Melanchthonstraße 27
22525 Hamburg
Telefon: (+49-40) 5 40 06 -0
Telefax: (+49-40) 5 40 06 -200
November 16, 2018 11:14
100 prozentig
Da bei uns großer Wert auf hundertprozentige Desinfektion unserer Instrumente gelegt wird, muss es ein Markenprodukt sein. Mit Bomix plus haben wir gute Erfahrungen und empfehlen es gerne weiter. Danke am Medicalcorner 24 für die allzeit schnelle Anlieferung!