Product details - Heart Model
The Heart Model, Professional in different colours by Erler Zimmer is a two times life size heart based on CT datas of and healthy adult male.
All reproduced sections are shown anatomically correct: right atrium, left atrium / right ventricle, left ventricle / aorta /superior & inferior vena cava / pulmonary vein / coronary artery, veins (luminal) mitral valve, tricuspid valve, aortic valve, pulmonary valve / papillary muscle / coronary sinus. To make the internal structures accessible, the model can be opened with a scalpel. This feature allows intensive anatomical studies of the human heart. The heart model is available in two variants: red or transparent.
Properties of Heart Model
- worlwide unique flexible heart model
- 2-times life size
- based on CT scans
- can be opened with a scalpel
- 2 variants: red, transparent
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